
U.K. to build tidal lagoon project worth £1.7bn

The tidal lagoon project to be built on the waterfront of Swansea for £1.7bn in U.K. will incorporate technologies including underwater turbines, floating solar power and battery storage has been announced.

The Project also know as Blue Eden project will be led by a tech firm called DST innovations and other business partners, there will also be support from Swansea Council and Associated British Ports.

The confinement would take place in three phases over a period of 12 years other plans for the project include: A plant focused on producing batteries for renewable energy storage; a floating solar array spanning 72,000 square meters; around 150 “floating” homes; and a battery facility that would store the energy produced by the project, using it to power operations.

It’s envisaged that Blue Eden would also be home to an oceanic and climate change research center.

The British Hydropower Association describes tidal range projects as involving the high tide being “stored behind a bund or lagoon wall and then released through turbines as the tide falls and electrical energy is produced.”

As the tide turns, water will flow in the other direction, “powering the turbines once again.”

Tidal power has been around for decades — EDF’s 240 MW La Rance tidal power plant in France dates back to the 1960s — but recent years have seen a number of new projects take shape.

The Council Leader of Swansea, Rob Stewart, said:

“Blue Eden will put Swansea and Wales at the cutting-edge of global renewable energy innovation, helping create thousands of well-paid jobs, significantly cut our carbon footprint and further raise Swansea’s profile across the world as a place to invest.

“I’m delighted that an international consortium led by a Welsh company has developed our Dragon Energy Island vision into a ground-breaking project that delivers so many benefits and builds on the council’s ambition to become a net zero city by 2050.

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