
Sweden and Finland join hands to design next Generation Icebreakers

Sweden and Finland are working jointly to develop and design a new generation of Icebreakers.

The motive of the project is to select the design of a new vessel that will meet the challenges of the shipping industry while also responding to environmental concerns.

The design project, which is valued around $3.5 and $4.5 million, is being awarded to Aker Arctic Technology and will be completed by the end of 2021.

During winter Icebreaking is essential to ensure the transports of goods to northern Sweden and Finland.

According to representatives of the two countries, for cargo ships to pick up and collect goods from their industries a clear path and aid is required.

Currently, there are nine active icebreakers in Finland and five in Sweden. The fleet, however, is aging. New icebreakers will be needed to keep the trade ongoing.

The Director-General of the Swedish Maritime Administration, Katarina Noren, said

“The Swedish industry is dependent on icebreaking in the Baltic Sea up to 130 days a year. Our current fleet is old with increasing needs for repairs. Therefore, we very much look forward to the design of the next generation of icebreakers to service larger ships in a fossil-free environment.”

The design process will emphasize on finding solutions to maintain the service level and also responding to new environmental initiatives, and also researching for alternative icebreaker concepts.

The authorities in Finland and Sweden determined that the new ice breaker will require the ability to assist ships with a beam of up to 105 feet. Low lifecycle costs, Cost effective operation and the ability to change to a fossil-free fuel by 2030.

The Director-General of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Kari Wihlman, said

Our foreign trade and competitiveness are based on year-round security of supply. The stocks of import and export logistics are largely located on moving ships. An adequate level of assistance available from icebreakers is a prerequisite for ensuring that the raw materials and different products are in the right place at the right time. New types of solutions are expected from this design project to respond to changes in the operating environment as well as to maintain an adequate level of service also in the future.”

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