EnergyOil and Gas

Saudi Aramco discovers four new oil and gas fields

Saudi Arabia Aramco has discovered four new oil and gas fields in the kingdom it is still working on determining the size and shape of the discovered fields.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the energy minister announced

Saudi Aramco made these discoveries in different parts of the country; he was quoted as saying by the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

At AL-Reesh oil field, north-west of Dhahran Non-conventional oil has been discovered, with Well No.2 containing 4,452 barrels per day of extra light crude oil. It has also reserves of 3.2 million standard cubic feet of natural gas.

Aramco has drilled Al-Reesh Well No.3 to determine the field size as well as Well No.4. Initial production of Well No.3 has reached 2,745 barrels per day, along with 3 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

The daily flow of Arab extra light crude oil in Well No.4 amounts to 3,654 barrels per day, along with 1.6 million standard cubic feet of natural gas.

At Al-Minahhaz Well in AL-Sarrah reservoir non-conventional gas has also been discovered and at AL-Sahbaa well, south of Ghawar.

Gas from the AL-Minahhaz Well amounts eighteen million standard cubic feet daily, along with a daily 98 barrels of condensate. Mean while the AL-Sahbaa Well can produce gas at a daily rate of 32 million standard cubic feet.

In AL-Ajramiyah Well No.1, which lies to the north-west of the city of Rafhaa in the Northern Borders Province, oil has been discovered; the test shows a rate of 3,850 barrels of oil per day.

Prince Abdulaziz said that the discovery at AL-Reesh field

“Especially important as it shows that it is possible to produce Arab extra light crude oil at the Tuwaiq Mountain Formation,”

“Underline the wealth of natural resources the kingdom has at its disposal.”

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