
Saudi Arabian university KAUST to upgrade its network connectivity

KAUST (King Abdullah University of science and technology) the Saudi Arabian university has launched a new international connectivity program which is of 400 Gbps up scaling from the previous 10 Gbps connection speed.

This new development will help the researchers of KAUST to work together with their international peers at super-fast speeds.

Professor Tony Chan, President of KAUST

“Global collaboration for the advancement of scientific research is a key element in what we do and stand for at KAUST,”

Upgrading the speed of connectivity and empowering our infrastructure will enhance our capabilities to continue to deliver world-class research in collaboration with our partners across the globe.”

The new speed capacity comprising 200Gbps from Amsterdam and Singapore to KAUST connects to major research and education network hubs in East Asia and Europe.

The new connections will help the researchers with efficient data transmission, fast and reliable access to scientific resources and cloud service providers anywhere on the planet.

Jason Roos, The CIO of KAUST said that this new technology will provide a technological ecosystem that will enable researchers to easily work jointly with their peers located at any part of the world.

The new links will enable high-volume bulk data transfer, high-performance science applications, remote experiment control and data visualization. This means a KAUST will be able to connect with peers anywhere in the world without geographical limitations.

With an unprecedented speed KAUST will be first Middle Eastern university to have high speed connections used for research and education.

The Saudi telecommunications services company Mobily, supplies four 100 Gbps dedicated circuits to KAUST as part of contract.

Mobily owns submarine optical fiber network cables and optical fiber network in the kingdom.

The new arrangement has enabled KAUST to build new direct connections to SingARGEN network in Singapore and also connections with SURF and NORDUnet.

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