
Russia’s SberAutoTech launches self driving vehicle FLIP

SberAutoTech, a subsidiary of Sberbank based in Russia has developed a self driving vehicle called FLIP, the company calls it “taxi of the future”.

The company diversifies in areas ranging from food delivery, cloud computing taxi services and cyber security.

The self driving vehicle FLIP is developed in such a way that it has a size of a conventional car but with space for six passengers. It has also met the international driving standards.

The vehicle’s electric motor will be powered by rechargeable batteries, but it is also capable of using power of alternative fuels like natural gas and hydrogen.

SberAutoTech in a statement said:

“The company’s know-how is the battery layout, which allows for all modules to be replaced in no more than five minutes, comparable to refilling a standard car with traditional fuel,”

The Chief Technology Officer of Sberbank, David Rafalovksy said:

“The flexible architecture of SberAutoTech’s self-driving technology will enable us to roll out solutions across a variety of verticals, like freight transport, last mile, and taxis.”

Yandex the Russian multinational corporation which has already tested thousands of driverless hours in Russian cities and abroad, while its driverless robot buggies have started delivering restaurant meals in Moscow.

About SberAutoTech

SberAutoTech is one of the technology company that transfers the experience, approach and dynamics of IT development to the sphere of transport.
The company’s task is to make driving more comfortable, safe and efficient. The solution is to turn a car into a convenient gadget.

About Sberbank

Sberbank is one of the largest bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and one of the leading financial institution worldwide.The company’s mission is to instill confidence, provide reliability to people’s lives.

The bank is one of the strongest banking brand around the world and also the expensive Russian brand. It also has its businesses in 18 countries across the world.

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