
Royal DSM, Nedcam Unveil Large-Scale Granulate 3D Printer

Royal DSM has partnered with Nedcam to improve access to scalable Fused Granulate Fabrication (FGF) 3D printing.

Nedcam will 3D print FGF with DSM materials and the two companies will jointly explore new applications for tooling and production of large, circular parts for end use, the company said in a statement September 24.

Nedcam recently put this CEAD AM Flexbot robot 3D printer into use at its production location in Heerenveen. Together with DSM, the company provides commercial 3D printing production services to manufacturers looking for large format applications using DSM’s 3D printing optimized pellet materials.

The collaboration also opens the door for the two companies to realize their common ambition for more sustainable and circular production processes. Nedcam currently makes plugs and molds from various materials, including glass fiber reinforced composites and steel, often for single or limited use. This leads to a lot of waste every year. FGF production with recyclable materials offers a route to a more sustainable process.

“We absolutely want to reduce waste in our production process and become circular,” says Erwin van Maaren, co-founder and Commercial Director at Nedcam. “By combining DSM’s expertise in the field of 3D printing and thermoplastics with our production knowledge and production facilities, we want to take the necessary steps towards a sustainable and fully circular model production process.”

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