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IBM and IMDA teams up to improve digital skills development in Singapore

IBM has teamed up with Infocomm Media Development Authority ( IMDA ) to hire and train 300 Singaporean professionals over the next four years; Applicants will receive training to improve digital skills .

This program involves training for roles such as cloud architects, data scientists, Big data engineers, UX Designers, Full-Stack Digital Developers and Digital Consultants.

The initiative is part of IBM’s “Future-Ready Intelligent Digital Workforce Programme”, in support of the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package, which aims to meet the demand for technology consulting and deep technical skills.

Through IBM’s Programme participants will be exposed to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain and Cyber Security.

To gain practical experience, new hires will be assigned to work with regional, cross-functional local and global teams.

Kiren Kumar, IMDA’s Assistant Chief Executive and EDB’s Executive Vice President said

“As we push forward with our national digitalization movement, the ICT sector continues to hold promise for job creation. It remains important to provide opportunities for our professionals to build the necessary skills for tech jobs that power the sector,”

“IMDA’s and DISG’s collaboration with IBM, to help 300 Singaporeans acquire advanced tech skills, is part of our investment in a pipeline of local tech talent as we make a decisive push for digital transformation in our country, so that Singaporeans can continue to do well.”

Hui Li Lee, Managing Partner, Vice President, IBM Global Business Services ASEAN said

“The global pandemic has forced businesses to speed up their digital transformation – in many cases, completing in weeks what may have in the past taken months or even years,”

“To accelerate that transformation even more and help companies in Singapore take full advantage of exponential technologies such as AI, blockchain, cloud and cyber-security, IBM Services will continue to collaborate and co-create with our clients to go beyond ‘random acts of digital’.”

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