
Facebook to pay Rupert Murdoch for Australia news content

The American technology conglomerate Facebook teams up with Rupert Murdoch ’s News Corp Australia after the county’s government passing the rule that requires tech companies to pay for news content.

This deal will allow content from Rupert Murdoch’s local media empire and The Australian newspaper, to be featured on Facebook news.

Anticipating the new law Facebook had decided to ban news content in Australia forcing the pages of media organisations to go dark, It eventually restored news content after the government Agreed on making some changes to the legislation.

This makes News Corp the first media outlet to strike a deal with Facebook with new laws.

In a statement News Corp said that Sky News Australia which is owned by local News Corp subsidiary has struck a deal with Facebook building on its existing arrangement.

Previous month, the New York Post, Wall Street Journal in the united states revealed an agreement with Google.

News Corp, was one among the media companies requesting government to make Facebook and Alphabet Inc’s Google pay for the media links that drive viewers and advertising dollars, to their platforms.

Facebook still has to sign with the ABC, SBS, Nine Entertainment and smaller independent publishers including Guardian Australia to comply with the news media code.

After this deal Facebook will start displaying articles from Australian newspaper and major metropolitan mastheads Herald Sun, the Daily Telegraph, the Courier-Mail in Facebook News.

Andrew Hunter, Australia and New Zealand’s head of news partnerships said that the company is committed in bringing Facebook News to Australia.

Robert Thomson, The Chief Executive Officer of News Corp said

“The agreement with Facebook is a landmark in transforming the terms of trade for journalism, and will have a material and meaningful impact on our Australian news businesses,”

“This digital denouement has been more than a decade in the making.”

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