
Dubai Plans Bright Future For Solar

The basic thing our science teachers taught us when we were kids back in school was about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. And you obviously must have guessed by now that solar energy is a renewable source of energy as it uses the energy of the sun whereas the fossil fuels are non-renewable. The electromagnetic energy transmitted by the Sun is used to light and heat homes as well as produce hot water.

What specifically hit me up was that Dubai was insisting on sparking a revolution where only renewable energy could be used. Heard about concentrated solar power(CSP)? It is a renewable and sustainable source of energy which has the capability to store a large amount of heat and furnish electricity needs at night.

The Dubai Project is a ‘one -of -its- kind’ project in the city of Waad Al-Shamal which will include a pinch of positivity. The Dubai project landed in its fourth phase when the CSP technology was implemented into it. Here we are talking about the largest single-site solar park in the world which flaunts a total capacity of 950 MW, comprising about 700 MW from CSP and 250 MW from photovoltaic (PV) solar power.

Dubai had put on the spectacles of the future and was viewing something spectacular. A changed world. A completely solar one where everything was under the reign of the Sun. So, it very intelligently chose PV and CSP technology. Let me brush up your knowledge on the two as to how they could bring about a

When the sun shines brightly and sprinkles rays of hopes:

  1. Photovoltaic Solar Energy system: You have solar panel grids which seize the photons and convert the sunlight into direct current. Now how is this converted into AC? It is installed into batteries via solar regulators. Also, electricity is transmitted onto power grids as well.
  2. Concentrated Solar Power System: Now, in this case, it comprises of thermal energy storage and kudos to the heat transfer medium which consists of elements like molten salt. Molten salt helps in the retention of sufficient heat and helps in the generation of electricity for long hours when the sun is not even radiating any heat.

The main motive behind considering CSP as God in this field was because of lower tariffs which it offered as compared to conventional sources of energy. But, it is the first time in history that a rate as low as 7.3 cents per kilowatt-hour has been recorded on the charts! Nevertheless, the real obstacle faced by the people when concerned with solar systems is storage. Especially when it involves the prospect of clean energy.

The underlying difference between solar PV and CSP still remains that electrons present in the PV help in the creation of electricity when sunlight hits the panels but in case of CSP, the rays of the sun first hit a mirror and are then reflected on to a receiver. The heating process of the liquid takes place in the receiver which charges a steam turbine connected to an electrical power generator. The best part is that in CSP, you can store heat but in solar panels, it is impossible to do so and lithium batteries are still an expensive affair.

Huge tanks of molten salts can amaze you with a capacity of about 15 hours of heat storage and thus, make it possible for heat to be supplied during the night. The Dubai project which is on a mission to gift the sweet success of this project to the people in the year 2030, will definitely urge you to view renewable energy in a new light. You shall introspect on the special powers of Solar some more, as to how can it produce energy 24 hours a day? And of course, there was never any methodology or procedure to store energy.

This project has made a place in our hearts by costing as much as fossil fuels or probably even lesser but with a pinch of positivity, with benefits prevailing over the entire country.

This is one of the most important technological projects of the world which is showering happiness in Dubai with a 260 meters solar tower which is around 9% complete but takes care of around 320,000 residents like a sturdy soldier and serves them on a platter: the dishes of clean energy and 24-hour power supply from only one source of energy.

Take off your hats and bow down to renewable energy. Did you know it brings a full stop to 1.6 million tons of carbon emissions taking place every year? That is like lessening approximately 6.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emission on an annual basis. Wow! The numbers are definitely going to leave you speechless for sure!

Dubai has brought about this change and is hinting around with a wisp of confidence about the competitive spirit it has set in the world regarding renewable energy and most importantly it has struck the right chords between development and environment for maintaining a proper balance.

It shall add a feather in its cap of achievements with setting certain world records like recording the world’s lowest CSP cost of electricity, the most gigantic solar tower in the world and the greatest thermal storage capacity which paves the pathway for around-the-clock availability of energy.

Three cheers for such an initiative in Dubai!

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