renewable energyTechnology

Denmark to construct the biggest solar field in Northern Europe

Denmark has got the approval from European Energy (EE) to develop a large solar field with a capacity of 300MW. The municipality of Aabernraa, Southern Jutland region will get the largest solar field in Northern Europe.

European energy has announced US$158 million to develop the solar field.

The solar Field is to be installed in near future and will also be a major regional transformer station, delivering enough green power to supply 75,000 Danish households.

It is estimated that building the solar field will reduce around 110,000 tons of carbon emissions a year.

Large utility-scale solar PV plants are less common in densely populated Europe than in other parts of the world, such as in the US, where land constraints are less of an issue.

Utility EnBW is currently building the largest solar farm in Denmark’s southern neighbor Germany, the 187MW Weesow-Willmersdorf array north of Berlin.

The construction of the solar field is expected to start early next year and the grid connection to take place before the end of 2021.

The CEO of European Energy, Knud Erik Andersen said the project is the result of strong co-operation between the company, local farmers and the municipality.

The Mayor of the municipality of Aabernraa, Thomas Andresen said

 “Solar power facilities are in line with the objectives of the municipality of Aabenraa to increase the production of renewable energy.

“Many things are being said about climate action but following the approval of our strategy for sustainable development, we can act in a more powerful way. We would like to take on our local co-responsibility in facing environmental degradation that we all are experiencing.”

The Danish government has set a goal for a 70% reduction in co2 emissions by 2030.

Fifty percent of Denmark’s power demand was met by wind and solar generation, according to grid operator Energinet.

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