
Lonestar Launches Lunar Data Center Test Mission ‘Independence’ to Moon 

Moon-based information technology and services provider Lonestar Data Holdings launched lunar data center test mission, ‘Independence’ on Sunday, commencing its journey to the Moon.

In collaboration with aerospace component manufacturing firm Intuitive Machines’ NOVA C lander, Independence has been launched on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 vehicle, which was scheduled at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on February 15 at 1:05 am (ET). 

The firm aims to provide data security and recovery services, ensuring the protection of vital information against terrestrial risks and disasters as well as looks to expand its services service offerings including global backup, global refresh, and global restore solutions. 

Independence represents data storage and global disaster recovery services, said the firm. Additionally, the firm’s Independence payload will undergo a series of critical in-flight tests, designed to validate Lonestar’s data center concept for Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS).

The firm said the test will ensure the viability of lunar data centers as a reliable secure solution for data backup and restoration on a global scale. 

Early this month, Intuitive Machines in collaboration with Elon Musk-owned SpaceX analyzed the data from the lunar lander fueling tests for the IM-1 missio006E and completed the determined testing campaign.

The cloud computing service model Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) allows the organization to regain access and functionality to its IT infrastructure after a disaster by backing up its data and IT infrastructure in a third party’s cloud computing environment.

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R Swathi

R Swathi is a reporter for Business Tabloid specializing in banking, technology, and energy sectors, hailing mostly across the regions of Middle East and Asia Pacific. She exhibits a profound passion for consistent learning and personal growth.

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