
bp acquires digital energy business Open Energi

The oil and gas company bp acquires digital energy business Open Energi, which is a technology company that optimises and trades power from low carbon-technologies such as EVs, battery storage, hydrogen electrolysers, demand-side response, and smart buildings.

Open Energi, over the past decade has thrived itself to become one of the prominent energy technology company optimising the performance of a network of energy assets with a total capacity of over 80MW.

According to bp’s Energy Outlook (2020 edition) the share of the primary energy from renewables is projected to increase to 60% by 2050. As the energy generation from these sources depends on variable weather conditions, the growth will see increased growth volatility.

Dynamic Demand 2.0, one of its platform applies artificial intelligence to minimise electricity costs by optimising and analysing assets, and through reducing energy consumption at peak price.

The Senior Vice President bp of Launchpad and Ventures, Sam Skerry, said:

“Open Energi’s technology helps manage the intermittency of increasing global renewable capacity, creating both energy saving and revenue opportunities.

“The acquisition will help bp develop digitally-driven integrated energy systems and deliver innovative, efficient and flexible energy solutions for customers. As the world’s renewables capacity continues to grow, we’re excited to work with Open Energi to help optimise the cost of energy and the performance of low carbon energy assets, and support our wider customer offer.”

The Commercial Director of Open energi, David Hill, said:

“For the growing renewable energy capacity the world needs to meet global carbon reduction targets, we will need efficient energy optimization.

“As such Open Energi is fantastically positioned to grow, and we could not be more excited to be partnering to deliver that growth with bp Launchpad. Its role within the business will allow us to maintain our independence, while bp’s net-zero ambition and its new strategy align perfectly with our ambition and vision.”

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