Health Care

Al-Nahdi Medical with wide scope of services during pandemic

According to the CEO of Al-Nahdi Medical company, Yasser Johari, The pharmaceutical industry has contributed wide scope of services during the COVID pandemic with Ministry of Health to protect people in the country. Al-Nahdi Medical company also ensured that all necessities were available during health emergency and it was an active support with Saudi authorities.

The company holds more than 700 branches. It is expanding its health in the line with the Kingdom’s National Healthcare Transformation Program with the objective to improve the quality of services and facilities.

Al-Nahdi Medical company offers home delivery of medicine as it is considered one of the most important necessities during the COVID pandemic.

To look after the patients during the pandemic and to provide good care, they have taken decisions in the early stage of pandemic. They have doubled the stock of medicine to make sure it is available to every patient.

App for Medicine Delivery services:

To help the patients in the Kingdom during lockdown in this pandemic, The Ministry of Helath launched several apps. “Wasfaty” (my prescription) app is one of those. The app aims to ensure the availability of medicines by linking primary health care centres and hospitals with community pharmacies. This helps the patients to get the medicines that they need from the location close to them.

One of the features of this app is medicine delivery services to COVID patients who are quarantined. Doctors write the prescription electronically after diagnosing the patient and this feature help them to ensure the treatment continuity. It helps in providing health care services to the patients.

The app’s customer service center number is 920000932. Patients can contact the team of Al-Nahdi and they will contact the relevant physician to review patient’s file and reissue the prescription. There is no need for the patient to visit the primary health care center or hospital.

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