
Parking at Airports is Set to Get a Lot Easier with ‘Stan the Robot’ that Valet Parks Car

Frequent fliers know the challenges of airport parking and the added stress it brings onto your journey. The challenges varies from expensive parking fees to remembering the parking slot or inconvenience of airport shuttles. Artificial intelligence might be the problem solver when it comes to your airport parking woes. Stan is a robot which is powered electrically. It will pick your car, quite literally and parks it for you and brings it back for you upon arrival.

Stan works as a space saver

The developers of Stan state that, “It works completely autonomously. It works on space saving and creates over 50% more parking spaces.” This will lead to increased revenue due to selling more parking spaces along with reduced resources to man the parking space. When a person has to park a car enough space is required to get out of the car after parking. Stan has no such limitations. Stan scans and calculates space whilst arranging vehicles side by side.

Stan will provide simplified user experience

Stan will work on electricity and hence is zero emission. A precise laser technology will slide the trolley and lift the wheels. Car owners can simply lock the car and take the keys along with them. Passengers can book parking online or through a phone app.

The car will be waiting for the passenger at the base as they arrive based on live flight information. The makers further elaborate that Stan will provide a simplified and user-friendly experience to passengers

Stan is currently in use at Chales De Gaulle and Lyon Airport at Paris and will be present in London Gatwick Airport from later this year.

With more and more robots and utilization of artificial intelligence in various sectors of the global work place, there is an intense debate as to the future of employment and its effect on about markets worldwide.

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